Scarcity or Abundance

Proverbs 4:23 “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.”

While we are all quarantined we have a choice to make. How are we going to see the limitations that we have all had placed on us. We can’t go out like we are accustomed to doing. Are we going to focus on what we can’t do; or, are we going to look at the things that we have time to do that we are usually too busy to do.

I have noticed that I fell into a pattern of looking at what I couldn’t do. That pushed me into a scarcity mentality. The more I looked at what I couldn’t do, the more it mattered to me that I couldn’t do those things.

I have determined that I need to focus on the things that I have time to do BECAUSE I can’t do so many of the things that I usually do. I have time to work on home projects. I have time to read, time to pray, time to work on this blog.

There are times that our abundance comes from our scarcity, The difference is the what that we choose to look at it.

Your thought truly do run your life. Choose to think thoughts that bring a feeling of abundance.


The Story and the Lesson of Palm Sunday